About Boris Dolin
I am currently the rabbi of Congregation Dorshei Emet in Montreal, Quebec. We are known for our creative services, inspiring classes, and our welcoming and diverse community.
My work has taken me many places. For many years I was a rabbi and educator at a synagogue in Eugene, Oregon and have also been blessed with the opportunity to serve as spiritual leader in Conservative and Reconstructionist congregations in Florida, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. I have been a songleader and music teacher at various camps and synagogue supplementary schools, a nursing home chaplain and a university Jewish student advisor. Before moving to Montreal, I was the rabbi of Beit Polska, the Union of Progressive Congregations in Poland, where I led a multi-congregational community working to help rebuild Jewish life in Central Europe.
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Kabbalat Shabbat Highlights with Rabbi Boris (from webstream)-Temple Beth Israel, Eugene, OR-January, 2015